Jogo digital – Escravo, nem pensar!
O jogo digital Escravo, nem pensar! é um entretenimento e, sobretudo, um instrumento didático pedagógico para instigar a reflexão e a discussão desse tema complexo nas escolas e em outros ambientes. Por meio dele, o jogador se familiariza com as situações enfrentadas por trabalhadores submetidos ao trabalho escravo, desde a saída de suas cidades de origem até as frentes de trabalho no campo e na cidade.
Baseada na dinâmica de tomadas de decisões, a proposta é que o jogador estabeleça diálogos, colete e use objetos e decifre alguns desafios nos diferentes ambientes percorridos pelo personagem principal. Dessa forma, o personagem poderá escapar do trabalho escravo, registrar uma denúncia e acionar assim as autoridades competentes pela fiscalização e autuação desse crime (Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, Ministério Público do Trabalho e Polícia Federal). O jogo foi produzido em parceria com a Flux Games e contou com apoio da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República.
Ele pode ser acessado gratuitamente clicando no botão abaixo.
Passo a passo para a instalação do jogo:
- Clique aqui (versão para Windows) ou aqui (versão para Linux) e selecione a opção para manter o download.
- Clique na pasta “Escravo, nem pensar!” e, depois, no arquivo ENP.exe (ignore avisos a respeito de vírus).
Slavery, no way! program launches digital game about slave labor in Brazil
The Slavery, no way! program, coordinated by the NGO Reporter Brasil, launches the first digital game approaching contemporary slave labor in Brazil. It is an entertainment but it is also a didatic and pedagogical instrument, developed to foster the reflection and the discussion on slave labor at schools and other educational environments.The initiative is supported by the Human Rights Secretary of the Brazilian Presidency.
“Officialy the slavery has been abolished more then a hundred years ago, but there are millions of people who are still in slavery nowadays in the country. The problem is used to be seen by public in general as something very far from their lives, but the contemporary slave labor is very much present in all Brazilian regions, specially in urban centers”, says Natalia Suzuki, coordinator of the Slavery, no way! program. According to her, there are many products, such as electronic equipment, clothes and even buildings, are made by this kind of work.
The dinamic of the game allows the player to conduct the trajetory of a worker, who leaves his city, looking for better life conditions, but he is exploited in his work. Individually, the player shall make his choices in order to get out of the slavery situation. This pedagogical experience estimulates the sensibilization to the abuses suffered by the workers in real life.
“We applied concepts and techniques in order to provoke what we call “stealth learning”: the player does not realize that he is actually learning, but he ends the experience with a high level of conscious about the issue”, explains Paulo Santos, Flux CEO, the agency responsible by the development of the game.
Step by step to install the game in your PC.